Puppy Essentials: How to Prepare for a New Puppy

It’s the most exciting time for any dog ​​lover: a new puppy is on the way! Being prepared in advance will make it easier for your puppy to adjust to his new life.

Plan with your puppy care professional

Once you start thinking about getting a puppy, find and hire your puppy care professional:

  • Vet: If you don’t have one yet, get one! The current shortage of veterinarians means many veterinary clinics are unable to take on new clients. Make sure they follow a “no fear” protocol, including allowing you to stay with your puppy at all times during the visit.
  • Trainers: Sign up for puppy socialization classes as soon as possible and plan ahead, as classes may fill up and force you onto a waiting list, causing your puppy to “beyond” the most beneficial socialization window. The American Association of Veterinary Behaviorists says puppies can begin puppy classes as early as 7-8 weeks of age, and the life-threatening risks of inadequate socialization far outweigh the minimal exposure to germs in a well-run puppy class risk. Look for an experienced trainer who is a member of an organization that follows a science-based, no-force philosophy and/or a certified trainer.
  • Walkers/Nannies/Groomers: Make sure these professionals are bonded and insured, are members of professional organizations, and are committed to violence-free removals – especially Because they often take care of your dog in your absence.

puppy house rules

Bringing your new puppy home can be stressful for both canines and humans. Agreeing on routines before the puppies arrive and making sure everyone follows them can make the transition easier for everyone. Consistency and predictability are important for stress reduction in all species. Before a new puppy opens its claws in your home, here are some things to decide:

  • Collars, leashes, harnesses, one or two beds, crates, exercise pens, baby gates, a lot of Toys, training treats, food and water bowls – all supplies need to be in place forward That bouquet of puppy love walked through the door.
  • What kind of food would you feed (do your research!)? Puppies are usually fed three times a day; who will feed each meal? Where will she be fed?
  • Where will your puppy sleep? We recommend confining a puppy to a crate or exercise pen in someone’s bedroom at night to minimize the puppy’s stress and possible isolation or separation pain or anxiety. In the same bedroom every night (consistency!), the person is willing to get up at 2:00 AM when the puppy needs to go out.
  • Exercise, enrichment and training. These are essential to raising a healthy, well-mannered adult dog. Start now – it will be too late by the time your puppy grows up! Decide which family members will be responsible for ensuring these needs are met on a daily basis.

Is everything in place? Are all your ducks in a row? Go find that puppy now and love her for the rest of your life together!

This article Puppy Essentials: How to Prepare for a New Puppy first appeared on Whole Dog Magazine.