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When do dogs lose their baby teeth?

Puppies are born without teeth, but develop 28 baby teeth by about 6 weeks of age. Providing appropriate chew toys will help her through the eruption of baby teeth and the sometimes painful changes of permanent teeth.Photo credit: yellowsarah | Getty Images Between 12 and 16 weeks of age, your …

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How to clean dog ears at home

Cleaning your dog’s ears at home is easy, as long as you have the right tools and know why your dog’s ears need cleaning.Credit: Maya | Getty Images For dogs who suffer from frequent ear infections, cleaning their ears at home may help. If you have a lop-eared dog, especially …

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Soaking Up in the Sun – Whole Dog Magazine

It’s been a tough year. Over the course of six months, my husband and I lost three of our beloved animal companions, each death unexpected. First, we lost our pot-bellied pig, Sturgess; a week later, our 14-year-old corgi, Lucy, was diagnosed with and died from cancer. In my grief, I …

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