Ear Mite Treatment for Dogs

When you look into your dog’s ears and look for ear mites, you may notice tiny white pinprick-sized creatures moving around. These are mites, but they are not easy to see. You’re more likely to notice black bits that look like coffee grounds. Dark glasses are made from skin irritated and pooped by mites, plus earwax added as the ears try to protect themselves.

Mites are external parasites you want to avoid.About half of dog ear mite cases are caused by: Cynomolgus ear mite. Often these are what your cat or pet rabbit shares with your dog, especially when your cat goes outdoors, so if you suspect one pet has mites, you may need to treat them all.

Signs of ear mites

The most common symptoms of ear mites are that dogs shake their heads, scratch their ears, or even put their paws into their ears, rubbing their heads against the floor, ground, furniture or you, leaving their ears smelly and dirty. In rare cases, you may notice irritation in areas of the skin on your head and neck.

If your dog has a secondary yeast or bacterial infection, the ears may be red, moist, or have purulent discharge.

appropriate treatment

The treatment may be simple, but many of the home remedies you see online may not completely solve the problem, leaving you frustrated, your dog still scratching, and both of you disappointed and annoyed. Instead, if you suspect mites, take your dog to the veterinarian and get effective medication.

To treat ear mites in your dog, you need to clean your ears properly. If you take your dog to the vet, he will get a thorough ear cleaning, which will remove many mites directly.

Your dog will need ear drops or ointments, especially if he has a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in his ears.

The next step is usually to use a topical medication that attacks mites as well as fleas and ticks, such as Revolution, which requires a veterinary prescription. Often more than one treatment is needed.

It is important to treat all pets at the same time. Otherwise, your cat may reinfect your dog and vice versa. Other dogs and rabbits can also share mites.